The Best Halloween Costume for your Pet
Shark “Ty” Style Beanie Baby Costume:
- Cardboard (size varies based on size of pup)
- Red, Black, White, and Yellow Paint
- Black marker
- Hot glue
- String
Cut out two hearts out to the cardboard, size varying based on the dog.
Glue only one side of one heart to the corresponding side of the other heart.
Paint the outside red and the inside white.
Once that is dry, paint the letters TY on the front in yellow, paint a yellow strip around the outside edges, and write you pup’s information on the inside.
Punch a hole through both sides of the heart and run a string through it.
Tie the string to their collar, and snap a pic!
Pineapple Costume:
- Black Marker
- Hot Glue
- Multiple Colors of Green Felt
- Yellow Baby Shirt, Cut sleeves if needed, (Size varies based on pup size)
- Yellow String
Draw cross-hatched lines on the yellow shirt.
Cut out leaves of various lengths from green felt.
Create a felt cylinder and glue it to a yellow string or ribbon (For hat).
Hot glue the leaves onto the cylinder to create a pineapple headpiece.
Ask who’s the good boy, and follow with pets.
Scooby Doo Style Costume:
- Cardboard
- Blue and Yellow Paint
- glue
Cut out a collar and diamond shape out of cardboard. Glue ends of collar together.
Paint the collar blue, and paint the Scooby Doo tag on the diamond shape.
Eat a Scooby Snack.
Modeled by our Guest Pup: Tess Moss
Eat Mor Chikin Costume:
- Cardboard Rectangle (size varies based on size of pup)
- String
- Black Marker
- Pink Rubber Glove
Cut a notebook paper- sized rectangle from a piece of cardboard, and paint it white.
Once paint dries, with the black marker draw Eat Mor Chikin. ( We definitely don’t own that slogan)
Punch two holes at the top right and left hand corners of the sign, and run the string through them. Place the sign around their neck, loosely.
Blow up the pink rubber glove, and tie like a balloon.
Tie the string around the glove, and then tie that around the pup’s bottom making the glove fit between their hind legs. And Voila!