Merry Christmas !


Hello everyone, pretty soon it will be time fur what the hoomans call Christmas, they all give each other purresents and wait on someone named Santa Claws. Woof! This guy sounds scary! They talk about him being big and red, I think he’s a crab…I don’t like that idea.

They talk about him coming into the house and leaving purresents, and eating the cookies the hoomans put out, but when I do that I’m a “bad dog” and “need to sit in the crate”.

But that’s not what I wanted to talk about today. I want to teach you pups how to get your own purresents during Christmas.

Furrst, you have to make sure you’re on your best behavior, and being extra cute fur your hoomans. Do any tricks you know extra good when they ask you to, especially roll over. If you stick your tongue out and hold your paws up when you’re on your back. They will find you super duper cute. I purromise, I’ve tested this. I got a lot of belly rubs and nice words from my hoomans.

Next you have to do your best not to beg too much when they are making Chrimas dinner. I know it will smell really really good. But you gotta be good. But come Christmas day, if you sit under the dinner table, and watch out for feets, you might get a few scraps from the younger hoomans or just anybody when your main hooman isn’t looking.

You also want to make sure you don’t get into what’s under the tree or try and ‘mark’ it. They don’t like it when you do that, plus it’s dangerous and zappy.

If you follow these tips, you will for sure be on Santa Paw’s good boy list.

Art by Sarah Wilson