Cypress Magazine

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Teen Dating Violence Awareness: Love is Respect

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Teen dating violence is a growing epidemic in America. In 2010 CDC (Center for Disease Control) conducted the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. The survey concluded that more than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the U.S. are survivors of relationship violence in their lifetime. Below are some warning signs that you, a friend or family member may be in a violent relationship.

If your partner….

-Has extreme jealousy or insecurity
-Constantly belittles you or puts you down
-Has an explosive temper
-Forces you into isolation from family and friends
-Makes false accusations
-Has constant mood swings towards you
-Physically inflicts pain or hurt in any way
-Is possessive
-Is controlling
-Repeatedly pressures you to have sex
-Refuses to let you end the relationship
-Constantly checks in with you or makes you check in with him/her
-Is too serious about the relationship too quickly
-Has had a lot of bad prior relationships and blames the problems on ex-partners
-Blames you when he or she treats you badly by saying how you provoked him/her
-Does not take responsibility for own actions
-Has a history of fighting, hurting animals, or bragging about mistreating other people
-Believes strongly in stereotypical male and female gender roles
-Makes you worry about how he/she will react to what you say or how you might provoke him/her might be in a violent relationship. If you would like to seek help, talk to a therapist, counselor, parent, teacher, coach, or trusted friend, or you can call Love is Respect Teen Dating Violence Hotline at 1-866-331-9474 or text “loveis” to 22522.

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